Source code for datafs.config.helpers

from datafs.config.config_file import ConfigFile
from datafs.config.constructor import APIConstructor
from datafs._compat import open_filelike

import os
import re
import click

def _parse_requirement(requirement_line):

    # should we do archive name checking here? If the statement
    # doesn't split, the entire thing gets passed to api.create
    # or get_archive as the archive_name.

    version_stmt = map(lambda s: s.strip(), requirement_line.split('=='))

    if len(version_stmt) == 1:
        return version_stmt[0], None
        return version_stmt[0], version_stmt[1]

[docs]def get_api( profile=None, config_file=None, requirements=None): ''' Generate a datafs.DataAPI object from a config profile ``get_api`` generates a DataAPI object based on a pre-configured datafs profile specified in your datafs config file. To create a datafs config file, use the command line tool ``datafs configure --helper`` or export an existing DataAPI object with :py:meth:`datafs.ConfigFile.write_config_from_api` Parameters ---------- profile : str (optional) name of a profile in your datafs config file. If profile is not provided, the default profile specified in the file will be used. config_file : str or file (optional) path to your datafs configuration file. By default, get_api uses your OS's default datafs application directory. Examples -------- The following specifies a simple API with a MongoDB manager and a temporary storage service: .. code-block:: python >>> try: ... from StringIO import StringIO ... except ImportError: ... from io import StringIO ... >>> import tempfile >>> tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> >>> config_file = StringIO(""" ... default-profile: my-data ... profiles: ... my-data: ... manager: ... class: MongoDBManager ... kwargs: ... database_name: 'MyDatabase' ... table_name: 'DataFiles' ... ... authorities: ... local: ... service: OSFS ... args: ['{}'] ... """.format(tempdir)) >>> >>> # This file can be read in using the datafs.get_api helper function ... >>> >>> api = get_api(profile='my-data', config_file=config_file) >>> api.manager.create_archive_table( ... 'DataFiles', ... raise_on_err=False) >>> >>> archive = api.create( ... 'my_first_archive', ... metadata = dict(description = 'My test data archive'), ... raise_on_err=False) >>> >>> with'w+') as f: ... res = f.write(u'hello!') ... >>> with'r') as f: ... print( ... hello! >>> >>> # clean up ... >>> archive.delete() >>> import shutil >>> shutil.rmtree(tempdir) ''' config = ConfigFile(config_file=config_file) config.read_config() if profile is None: profile = config.config['default-profile'] profile_config = config.get_profile_config(profile) default_versions = {} if requirements is None: requirements = config.config.get('requirements', None) if requirements is not None and not os.path.isfile(requirements): for reqline in re.split(r'[\r\n;]+', requirements): if'^\s*$', reqline): continue archive, version = _parse_requirement(reqline) default_versions[archive] = version else: if requirements is None: requirements = 'requirements_data.txt' if os.path.isfile(requirements): with open_filelike(requirements, 'r') as reqfile: for reqline in reqfile.readlines(): if'^\s*$', reqline): continue archive, version = _parse_requirement(reqline) default_versions[archive] = version api = APIConstructor.generate_api_from_config(profile_config) api.default_versions = default_versions APIConstructor.attach_manager_from_config(api, profile_config) APIConstructor.attach_services_from_config(api, profile_config) APIConstructor.attach_cache_from_config(api, profile_config) return api
[docs]def check_requirements(to_populate, prompts, helper=False): ''' Iterates through required values, checking to_populate for required values If a key in prompts is missing in to_populate and ``helper==True``, prompts the user using the values in to_populate. Otherwise, raises an error. Parameters ---------- to_populate : dict Data dictionary to fill. Prompts given to the user are taken from this dictionary. prompts : dict Keys and prompts to use when filling ``to_populate`` ''' for kw, prompt in prompts.items(): if helper: if kw not in to_populate: to_populate[kw] = click.prompt(prompt) else: msg = ( 'Required value "{}" not found. ' 'Use helper=True or the --helper ' 'flag for assistance.'.format(kw)) assert kw in to_populate, msg
[docs]def to_config_file(api, config_file=None, profile='default'): config = ConfigFile(config_file=config_file, default_profile=profile) config.write_config_from_api(api, config_file=config_file, profile=profile)