Source code for datafs.managers.manager_dynamo

import boto3

from datafs.managers.manager import BaseDataManager
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Attr, Key
from functools import reduce

[docs]class DynamoDBManager(BaseDataManager): """ Parameters ---------- table_name: str Name of the data archive table session_args: dict Keyword arguments used in initializing a :py:class:`boto3.Session` object resource_args: dict Keyword arguments used in initializing a dynamodb :py:class:`~boto3.resources.factory.dynamodb.ServiceResource` object """ def __init__( self, table_name, session_args=None, resource_args=None): super(DynamoDBManager, self).__init__(table_name) self._session_args = {} if session_args is None else session_args self._resource_args = {} if resource_args is None else resource_args self._session = boto3.Session(**session_args) self._resource = self._session.resource('dynamodb', **resource_args) self._table = self._resource.Table(self._table_name) self._spec_table = self._resource.Table(self._spec_table_name) @property def config(self): config = { 'table_name': self._table_name, 'session_args': self._session_args, 'resource_args': self._resource_args } return config # Private methods def _search(self, search_terms, begins_with=None): """ Returns a list of Archive id's in the table on Dynamo """ kwargs = dict( ProjectionExpression='#id', ExpressionAttributeNames={"#id": "_id"}) if len(search_terms) > 0: kwargs['FilterExpression'] = reduce( lambda x, y: x & y, [Attr('tags').contains(arg) for arg in search_terms]) if begins_with: if 'FilterExpression' in kwargs: kwargs['FilterExpression'] = kwargs[ 'FilterExpression'] & Key('_id').begins_with(begins_with) else: kwargs['FilterExpression'] = Key( '_id').begins_with(begins_with) while True: res = self._table.scan(**kwargs) for r in res['Items']: yield r['_id'] if 'LastEvaluatedKey' in res: kwargs['ExclusiveStartKey'] = res['LastEvaluatedKey'] else: break def _update(self, archive_name, version_metadata): ''' Updates the version specific metadata attribute in DynamoDB In DynamoDB this is simply a list append on this attribute value Parameters ---------- archive_name: str unique '_id' primary key version_metadata: dict dictionary of version metadata values Returns ------- dict list of dictionaries of version_history ''' command = "SET version_history = list_append(version_history, :v)" self._table.update_item( Key={'_id': archive_name}, UpdateExpression=command, ExpressionAttributeValues={':v': [version_metadata]}, ReturnValues='ALL_NEW') def _get_table_names(self): return [ for t in self._resource.tables.all()] def _create_archive_table(self, table_name): ''' Dynamo implementation of BaseDataManager create_archive_table waiter object is implemented to ensure table creation before moving on this will slow down table creation. However, since we are only creating table once this should no impact users. Parameters ---------- table_name: str Returns ------- None ''' if table_name in self._get_table_names(): raise KeyError('Table "{}" already exists'.format(table_name)) try: table = self._resource.create_table( TableName=table_name, KeySchema=[{'AttributeName': '_id', 'KeyType': 'HASH'}], AttributeDefinitions=[ {'AttributeName': '_id', 'AttributeType': 'S'}], ProvisionedThroughput={ 'ReadCapacityUnits': 123, 'WriteCapacityUnits': 123}) table.meta.client.get_waiter('table_exists').wait( TableName=table_name) except ValueError: # Error handling for windows incompatability issue msg = 'Table creation failed' assert table_name in self._get_table_names(), msg def _create_spec_config(self, table_name, spec_documents): ''' Dynamo implementation of spec config creation Called by `create_archive_table()` in :py:class:`manager.BaseDataManager` Simply adds two rows to the spec table Parameters ---------- table_name : base table name (not including .spec suffix) spec_documents : list list of dictionary documents defining the manager spec ''' _spec_table = self._resource.Table(table_name + '.spec') for doc in spec_documents: _spec_table.put_item(Item=doc) def _update_spec_config(self, document_name, spec): ''' Dynamo implementation of project specific metadata spec ''' # add the updated archive_metadata object to Dynamo self._spec_table.update_item( Key={'_id': '{}'.format(document_name)}, UpdateExpression="SET config = :v", ExpressionAttributeValues={':v': spec}, ReturnValues='ALL_NEW') def _delete_table(self, table_name): try: self._resource.Table(table_name).delete() except ValueError: # Error handling for windows incompatability issue msg = 'Table deletion failed' assert table_name not in self._get_table_names(), msg def _update_metadata(self, archive_name, archive_metadata): """ Appends the updated_metada dict to the Metadata Attribute list Parameters ---------- archive_name: str ID of archive to update updated_metadata: dict dictionary of metadata keys and values to update. If the value for a particular key is `None`, the key is removed. """ archive_metadata_current = self._get_archive_metadata(archive_name) archive_metadata_current.update(archive_metadata) for k, v in archive_metadata_current.items(): if v is None: del archive_metadata_current[k] # add the updated archive_metadata object to Dynamo self._table.update_item( Key={'_id': archive_name}, UpdateExpression="SET archive_metadata = :v", ExpressionAttributeValues={':v': archive_metadata_current}, ReturnValues='ALL_NEW') def _create_archive( self, archive_name, metadata): ''' This adds an item in a DynamoDB table corresponding to a S3 object Args ---- arhive_name: str corresponds to the name of the Archive (e.g. ) Returns ------- Dictionary with confirmation of upload ''' archive_exists = False try: self.get_archive(archive_name) archive_exists = True except KeyError: pass if archive_exists: raise KeyError( "{} already exists. Use get_archive() to view".format( archive_name)) self._table.put_item(Item=metadata) def _get_archive_listing(self, archive_name): ''' Return full document for ``{_id:'archive_name'}`` .. note:: DynamoDB specific results - do not expose to user ''' return self._table.get_item(Key={'_id': archive_name})['Item'] def _batch_get_archive_listing(self, archive_names): ''' Batched version of :py:meth:`~DynamoDBManager._get_archive_listing` Returns a list of full archive listings from an iterable of archive names .. note :: Invalid archive names will simply not be returned, so the response may not be the same length as the supplied `archive_names`. Parameters ---------- archive_names : list List of archive names Returns ------- archive_listings : list List of archive listings ''' archive_names = list(archive_names) MAX_QUERY_LENGTH = 100 archives = [] for query_index in range(0, len(archive_names), MAX_QUERY_LENGTH): current_query = { 'Keys': [{'_id': i} for i in archive_names[ query_index: query_index+MAX_QUERY_LENGTH]]} attempts = 0 res = {} while True: if attempts > 0 and len(res.get('UnprocessedKeys', {})) > 0: current_query = res['UnprocessedKeys'][self._table_name] elif attempts > 0 and len(res.get('UnprocessedKeys', {})) == 0: break res = self._resource.batch_get_item( RequestItems={self._table_name: current_query}) archives.extend(res['Responses'][self._table_name]) attempts += 1 return archives def _delete_archive_record(self, archive_name): return self._table.delete_item(Key={'_id': archive_name}) def _get_spec_documents(self, table_name): return self._resource.Table(table_name + '.spec').scan()['Items'] def _set_tags(self, archive_name, updated_tag_list): self._table.update_item( Key={'_id': archive_name}, UpdateExpression="SET tags = :t", ExpressionAttributeValues={':t': updated_tag_list}, ReturnValues='ALL_NEW')